Sustainability is not a fad, it is a trend that is both embraced and, most importantly, absolutely crucial.
The topic is complex, affects all walks of life and business and cannot be localised in the age of globalisation. Current studies indicate that the German goods transport industry has grown to a greater extent over the last few years than the gross domestic product. As a result, the MBS Group feels a responsibility to take the now widely recognised triad of sustainability – ecology, economy and social responsibility – into account and to gear itself towards its standards.
We plan our systems freight services with foresight, consolidate our goods flows to prevent unnecessary transportation and work sparingly with finite resources. With the generations of the future and the environment in mind, we work with intelligent and innovative planning tools that assist us in conducting our business with due regard for our corporate social responsibilities.
We consistently invest in stability, growth and in the future of our company. The financial independence we enjoy as an owner-operated SME provides the essential framework for making carefully considered, purposeful investments that are in line with our own system of values.
Our employees are a tremendous asset. For this reason, we run the program “Fit with MBS” to help them maintain their health. We have committed to specific values and principles as part of an employee code of conduct. These are used as a guide for working and interacting with each other, our customers and our partners. We also show commitment to individual and community causes: We have provided regular support to various regional and nationwide social projects for many years now and extend aid at an international level, for example, after natural disasters.
We are on your side!
Feel free to get in touch. We are here to help – at any time and in person!